Great stuff Susan. I find rehearsal tiring but absolutely necessary. It’s easy to fall into going over it again and again being overly perfectionistic. (At least for me). I find when I can’t go through it one more time that I just do it and feel it flow out. Andrenaline must connect memory to mouth, at least for me it does.

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Perfectionism is a pain! There's such a fine line between preparing sufficiently and over preparing. For me, I know over preparing/perfectionism is about anxiety, control and wanting to be the best. I've had to learn that if I'd done enough prep, the adrenalin rush will carry me through. Reframing the symptoms of a rush as anticipatory excitement rather than fear helped too.

I think the rote aspects occur when the person presenting is not 'present' in what they're doing. They're literally going through the motions. I've caught myself doing it - particularly when explaining something I've explained a hundred times before. I see it in presentations kids give, where they've been given a collection of set moves to use, and ways to say things. The interpretation is not their own.

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